Yoan De Macedo [ Web & Frugalité ]


Fruga offers add-ons to to go further in website generation.

The list is likely to grow.

I might add a plugin engine to help others easily add new features.

To enable an add-on, you have to update website generation profile.
For example in sites/mywebsite/configuration/site/site.json

                "name":"Yoan De Macedo",

extras array contains all enabled add-ons.

Each add-ons can be setuped in sites/mywebsite/configuration/extras/


If you want to add one or more RSS feed, RSS add-on is for you.
Just add rss.json in sites/mywebsite/configuration/extras/


                "title":"Yoan De Macedo's blog",
                "description":"Yoan De Macedo blog posts",
                "creator":"Yoan De Macedo"


It's an array because you can have several RSS feeds.


This module is able to generate a sitemap.xml at website root folder.
Configuration file will be sites/monsite/configuration/extras/sitemap.json



For now, it's empty.


If you want to add an .htaccess file, it's possible.
Just add htaccess.json in sites/mywebsite/configuration/extras/

                "extraLines": [
                    "RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https",
                    "RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]"                       

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(Sorry for the sometimes approximate English. If you want me to correct something, please contact me.)

Qui suis-je ? | Mes prestations | Mes projets | Mon blog | Me suivre | On en parle | mail@yoandm.com

Mentions légales | Confidentialité | Ethique | Mémo | RSS
Généré par Fruga