Yoan De Macedo [ Web & Frugalité ]

Website deployment


It's possible to create several deployment profiles.
We can imagine a local deployment and a remote deployment for example.

Today, 3 connectors are available :

Just add a .json in sites/mysite/configuration/deploy/

local.json file example :

                "type" : "local",
                    "path" : "/Users/yoan/Documents/htdocs/frugatest"


Then, a ftp example :

                "type" : "ftp",
                    "host" : "ftphost.com",
                    "port" : 21,
                    "ssl" : 0,
                    "login" : "login",
                    "password" : "",
                    "path" : "",        
                    "passive" : 1

For SFTP :

                "type" : "sftp",
                    "host" : "sftphost.com",
                    "port" : 22,
                    "login" : "login",
                    "password" : "",
                    "path" : "",        

Website deployment

To deploy, just launch this command line :

            php fruga.php deploy mywebsite profile

For example, to deploy "mywebsite" with "myprovider" :

            php fruga.php deploy mywebsite myprovider                

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(Sorry for the sometimes approximate English. If you want me to correct something, please contact me.)

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